Another Great Purple Pimp Juice Review- EdJunkie

Another Great Purple Pimp Juice Review- EdJunkie

Pimpin ain't easy!

PimpJuice Purple.

Ok so when I first got wind of PJ Purple I had mixed feelings. Sure the original Pimp Juicewas good but it was not one of my favorites. I loved the green color but thelack of carbonation held back the drink I thought. It had a great kick and theantioxidants going for it though. The Purple label drink had me ready to givePimp Juice another chance. Batter Up!

Packaging: The Drink comes in a 16 oz can very similar to the original Pimp Juice. Instead of the gold at the bottom and silver at the top we have Purple at the bottom and silver at the top. The top has the name Pimpjuice and the bottom portion has large PJ initials. It looks classy and royal. More sophisticated than most other energy drink cans. It also list some of the key ingredients as well asthe words anti-oxidant/energy drink thus letting you know this is more than just energy it is healthy! You can feel cool drinking this unlike many energydrinks due to the refined can. I give it a solid B for packaging

Slogans: The slogan is right on the bottom of the front of the can. “Let it loose” It’s a good slogan but really does not match the royal/sophisticated theme they seem to be going for. It’s still a catchy slogan though. I give them a grade of B for slogan.

Taste ect: Ok so how does it taste. It is supposed to be grape and guess what. It is grape. It comes out a dark purple with no vitamin smell at all. It has a light carbonation which really brings it a notch up over the original Pimp Juice. I don't know who decide to add carbonation to this PJ drink but they deserve a raise! It tastes like a nice grape soda but maybe a little less sweet. It is nice to get a different flavor in an energy drink. There are not many grape energy drinks to be found and this one is top notch. I got zero after taste as well. I could easily see me drinking this for the flavor alone. I’ll give it anA- for flavor since I enjoy it and it will be one of my top 10 in flavor if I get around to making that list.

Kick/Ingredients: Ok so we have a nice package and good taste but how is the kick. Let’s see. It starts off with 10% real juice, acai, pear, and pomegranate juices, as well as grape extract, green tea extract, and yerba mate . It also has 162mg of caffeine per can along with guarana, B Vitamins, Vitamin C, inositol and just asmidge of taurine (7mg). Not super potent but head and shoulders above Red Bull and it’s ilk. That is ok though since I can see me enjoying a couple of these in a row since they taste so good. Let us not forget though that it is also healthier than a lot of energy drinks so it gets some credit for that as well. I drank it pretty quickly and got a nice kick that lasted for a good while. Not jittery but a smooth buzz. It has 240 calories and 60 grams of sugar so you get some carb energy there along with the Caffeine. The taurine really does not play much of a part in such a small amount and maybe that is why the buzz did not last longer. I’ll give it a B for kick/ingredients since it is better than average and healthy as well.

Web presence: Pimp Juice has a great site at There is loads of content including videos,news, ingredients. There is a cool "what's hot" that has some nicewall paper for your desktop , photo gallery, a cool cd can. There is also amerchandise store with loads of PJ stuff to buy at good prices. I mean who does not want a PJ thong ? It's a top notch professional site. Of course if you search for Pimp Juice Purple you will get loads of hits on google. I did not locate a myspace page for PJ purple. There is one problem however. There is very little info on Pimp Juice Purple anywhere on the official Pimp Juice site. I spoke to the President of Fillmore Street Brewery who makes PJ Purple and they are waiting for Nelly's next album and tour before they give a push to this new flavor. We should see more informtion as well as merchandise then for PimpJuice Purple. I'll let everyone know when it happens since I'm sure you all look forward to the PJ purple and Nelly's new cd "Brass knuckles." I give the them a grade of A- for web presence. This is one of the best websites around for an energy drink and really represents the brand well.

0.Packaging B
0.Slogan B
0.Taste A-
0.Kick/Ingredients B
0.Web Presence A-

Seems to be a good company behind this drink that is veryprofessional. Obviously Nelly is not just a rapper dabbling in the energy drinkmarket but is serious about his ED company. This PJ purple is hard to find at the moment but that should change soon. When you find one I say get it open it up and Tilt Ya Head back and pour it down :)